
go prabhakaran

Avid Reader, Writer, Blogger & eternal Learner. Coder, Sports-enthusiast, Gamer & Adventurer


MBAs in eCommerce & Human Resources, Bachelor Degrees in Library & Information Sciences and English Literature


18+ years of Managerial experience and 36 years of overall work experience.


This blog of mine is purely for self-expression, which vary from a range of issues from individual behavioural aspects to the collective social issues of national and rarely of international relevance. Mostly in English and a very few in Tamil – I have tried to make it as palatable and spicy as possible.

Once a Soldier, always a Soldier. Here you will find some Hard Talk on issues that we shy away from. Some subtle feelings, we tend to ignore. Its only coincidence if any of you carry a resemblance to any of these characters and I disclaim responsibility if anyone feels hurt and equally so if anyone feels too happy. Lessons that I have learnt from my observations, I would like to barter with the ones you may like to share with me..


My objective is to share my feelings with you through writing and to strike a chord, while I develop myself to the level of an acclaimed writer. However, depending on your consumption and feedback I will sure be able to improve the content and firm up on a style. (I am still learning to receive and accommodate feedback, need your support). I would like to be seen in the line of Robin Sharma, Chetan Bhagat and now Amish Tripathi. Before I pass away I should reach the likes of Khushwanth Singh.


What is in there for me..

Anyone who values time, will sure ask for this and am sure, you will be no exception. For you, this site is about feeling those aspects of life  which you could have missed noticing.  Some of your subtle sweet-nothings or damn-important issues, that have come out for deliberations. We might have sidelined many of our feelings as very trivial and non-time-sensical issues.  They would deserve some time for a rethink, so that we do not fail on the smaller gains in our race for the bigger ones. Also, this would stand out to you as definite evidence of technology-aided-group-communication on a one-to-many basis.  


If not for anything else, you will gain more audacity to write by yourself and flaunt your creativity, with an air and confidence that a creative person gains on seeing a junior, you are reading through.


Writing Blog

I started to write some years ago. Many of my initial writing were very sub-standard and childish. I could only garner courage to show them to not more than a few of my close friends, colleagues and Uncles, who for sure to give only good-feedback. If my current standards of blogging are any better, it is due to their encouragement. My fears for the adverse comments and limiting my audience, is to be blamed for all the flaws.



My first free platform to post all write-ups was on WordPress. I thank them for preserving my creativity and promoting self-expression. This gave me all the confidence required to create and migrate to my own site, the one you are reading through now. Here too, it is WordPress giving me all the requisite tools for my website.  I would recommend all aspiring writers, who have the innate-something that must be told to the world, to try saying it on this podium.



Some of you, may, out of my insistence, have landed up on this site. For many others, it could be a sheer accident.  As in the tag-line, ‘My Perspective’, the views are purely mine and depicts the current state of mind – as on the date of publishing the posts.

Like any other creative person, I have tried to focus on those areas which are in some ways unique and have been focussed-less. That which need more attention from our societies. I have also tried to capture those subtle feelings that run in our minds, but we do not tend to attach any significance. Maybe for our perceived threat of being outcast by people around us. The content here is completely original and any resemblance anywhere is definitely mere coincidence. Feel free to write to me, if you come across any such coincidences. As with any other writer blogger, I too am craving for readers, who document their reading through feedback.  So, I shall thank you for your feedback, of any kind.


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