Convenience or Commitment

Convenience implies being non-committal, freelance, not holding responsibility to the outcome, easier choices.

Babies are the best example for Convenience. They do what they like and cry when they dont get it. Least bothered about the pains taken by the parent to provide them with what they like, leave alone their wants. Throwing away tantrums and still wanting to be their central focus. In the process, the parents exercise commitment to the relationship with the baby.

In our formative years as children or fresh entrants to the career, we may have chosen a path of convenience, and would have experienced its results good or bad. As if we were newer organisations with zero brand value, our choices could have caused damage to our customers or dear ones. Since it was a nascent stage, no one took us seriously and we have been discarded as insignifant players, given the advantage as a novice. Customers would never come back with such bad experiences in hand.

Commitment on the contrary, as in obligation to exercise consistency and satisfy or fulfil the needs. Commitment involves sacrifices to be made. Costs to be borne. Quality time and efforts to be expended on the customer or relationship.

As we grow into adults, we shall grow with us a reputation only by our consistent good deeds, which can also be termed as commitment to the ones who surround us. It is here that a brand is born and nurtured into full adulthood with a name and fame to address with. With increasing brand value, shall also increase the responsibility to perform to the expectations of the customer or the relationship. Hereon it becomes a continuous process to sustain the level of commitment and surpass the previous levels, so that, with age, the brand called you shall continue to grow.

Commitment is a path that is not chosen but decided if one needs to succeed in life. People who treat customers or relationships to their own convenience shall perish. Those who take them as a commitment to fulfil shall prevail and succeed.

What would you choose, a path at your convenience or commitment.

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