Designations do not matter, Resignations do

Mulling over a point, I have been designated a lowly profile in my past few years. If my bosses of bygone years have been pardoned for their under-statement about me, I had been always carrying myself above my so-called designation while being well-grounded, without big airs, all the time. There had been times when I would seem so grounded and deemed or rather doomed to never to fly.

I do not attribute this facet of mine to wisdom, but would surely attribute to a self-imposed exile, for my failures to fire at the right moments in life. Say, pursuing studies at the appropriate time. Not attempting to fly when rest of my contemporaries did or attempted to. Not burning the spirit at a time I should have. In all, being resigned, to the lesser challenges and not fighting at the opportune time. I find there was always an inner peace, which waited with resignation, and setting aside the designation.

Now, again, revisiting all of these, the common man in me wakes to the call when designations get seats for some gatherings where I want to be a part. Some Luncheons where I saw feed for my intellect. Wherein some who can´t even differentiate between Senior Management and Senior Manager found a seat. Forget seats and savouries, even car parkings are biased to designations.

This is the time when it hurts most. An immediate voice of self-doubt speaks within me, ´am I such an undeserved dumb´. Rakes up the ego that had remained dormant for long times. Angers the soul and agitates the mind, disrupting the very rhythm of life. This is when the inner peace goes missing.

But thanks to the Almighty, my resignations allow me the cool and a temperament to continue unperturbed. Leaving the ones who close to me, guessing, about my composition (not composure), and that what really matters to me. It is during these times that inadvertently i might send out some signals of resignation, especially when I resort to silence or extraordinary focus on work. Otherwise, not much of self-expression happens during this time.

Keen to change Designations, but not leaving anything to chance. But never will I go on my knees – nor will I say that all others do, I will continue to ride the tide from the top, by keeping all Resignations at bay and smiling the inner woes to go away.

Not very far, I see a well-evolved persona, far from the madding crowd who run after designations. Above the rise, looking beyond, a merrier, me, flaunting on hugely valued humane assets, profoundly collaborating the human cause and a divine bliss of eternal happiness from the deep within, proving the one point I wanted to make for a long time, Designations Do Not Matter, Resignations Do.

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