Digital Democracy

Borrowing this phrase from our Prime Minister, I found it to be more apt for a model that I propose to turn our Political System into a thoroughly cleansed democratic fabric and make our largest democracy, The Best Democracy.

Problem Statement

We all understand the need for good Leaders at different levels in our Political system. But most of us do not venture into Politics for three main reasons; 

(a) What does one do for daily bread n butter, every one has some familial obligations  

(b) Can everyone match and survive the current system, which lacks any moral ethics 

(c)  Lack of reputation, structure and a requisite code of conduct that is fundamental in every Profession. 

As responsibile citizens, every one of us is keen to participate in the collective-good for the Society. Fortunately, we have many amongst us, who have volunteered themselves to some cause, within their purview and ambit of spare-time and their hard-earned savings I mean the NGOs and its Donors in particular.  

The negatives in the current political scenario outnumber the positives. Thus, carrying a bad influence in almost all walks of life, most importantly in governance, executive decisions and even the judiciary.  Very fact that this Great Nation has survived and stands out against all odds, goes to credit of our Great Leaders who have outsmarted negatives in the system and made their indelible mark with their values to us, The People. While it gives great pride to state that we are Biggest Democracy, we still think twice to accept whether we follow all the traits of a true Democracy. Merely to exercise franchise every five years – which is again not 100% but hovering around 72% participation -doestn’t qualify the term True Democracy. 

We need to bring in more Professionalism into the Political arena. Participation from all walks of life, with the true sense of Service, has to be encouraged, engaged and nurtured (Paid).  Poor reputation when allowed to prevail and when such Politician is allowed to ascend the seats of Power, will doubtlessly endanger the powerless but Honest Politician. We have seen this many a times, and don’t need more deliberations. Unless every citizen is involved in the democratic process, and unless it is made comprehensive, dynamic and relevant at all times, it shall move away from its objectives. The current predicament of almost every citizen of the country is that; ‘Politician’ is from a separate breed of people, who do not stick to any specific principle or value, financial or moral; who can do anything and everything for retaining their seats of power.


I propose an idea..

To identify Leaders at each domain level, namely, (A) Ward, (B) Town, (C) District, (D) State, (E) Country wide. Each such domains may have upto 5 identified Leaders on the basis of their Popularity Index (Pi).  In order to eliminate the Negatives from participating in this, (a) existing rules of Election Commission be applied; along side (b) introduce Notoreity Index (Ni) which when beyond a point of, say 5%, would debar such member from any Political forum.

Modus Operandi to arrive at Pi and Ni:

Under the Chief Election Commission, a separate Directorate be formed.

Every 3 months there will be a Leader-Review held. 5 Members from each domain shall become eligible for monthly Salary for 3 months. Quantum shall have to be decided on the basis of funds and extent of services involved. Salaries may be reviewed along with the Central Pay Commissions. 

A person seeking to be a (paid) Leader, should Apply-Online.  There can be as many as 30 applicants for each Domain. No convicts shall be eligible to apply. 

From the existing Voters List, registered Mobile numbers will be used to communicate to all voters.   Every voter is expected to respond in a simple-code response.  TRAI shall have to make it obligatory to all network operators provide FREE SMS to and fro; for the purpose.

A – Know this Leader, for Good Services ( Numerical Value 1)

B – Do not Know this person. (Numerical Value 0)

C – Negative person, I do not Recommend.  (Numerical Value -1)

Count of A against the total participation (count of A, B, C) in percentage terms will be the Popularity Index (Pi). Top 5 Leaders shall become eligible for their month Salary for three months. 

Count of C against the total participation (count of A, B, C) in percentage terms will be the Notoriety Index (Ni). Hypothetically, 5% Ni should be debarred for all Political activities. 
This can further become the Qualification for participation in the Civic and General Elections from time to time.

What do we Achieve

Negatives are eliminated, political scene shall be clean. Open up the arena for All-Good-Men/Women.

Positive and Service minded Leaders alone will make their way forward.

3 Monthly reviews, ensure that the Leaders are continuously connected with their people and their issues.

Thus, the World’s Largest Democracy, will evolve into the World’s Best Democracy.

Jai Hind. 

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