God – A Therapy

Taking cues from the new-gen philosophers.

God is a Therapy. Yes, you read it right!

God is good and makes so many things happen. as a psychology student, I trust in God. He can perform miracles.

Does he exist? Yes! in our minds.

How to prove his presence? Simple, look around you. Can you explain everything? In the absence of a reasonable explanation, i.e., in vague situations, if anything brings you peace (calm), then, you are with God. Peace is The God with the capital “G”.

This discussion is all about keeping us alive. Have we not seen so many religions raise and fall? Can any one of us vouch for one God: without being arrogant at displaying our belief system? Then, why do we fight with one another over whose God is bigger or better?

Disclaimer: These are solely my thoughts inspired by a discussion with the younger generation. I do not hold anyone accountable or responsible for this stream of thoughts. However, credits are due to the intellectuals who were part of these discussions, which happen so infrequently, though I wish it happened more often.

Faith, Expect, or Placebo.

I read long ago that faith is a one-word philosophy. “Expect” too is the same. The placebo is quite aligned with this line of thought.

The intensity of thought drives action. Unabatedly, action derives results. I am sure there are no challenges in comprehension or agreeing to these basic tenets of human Life.

If human actions are predictably aligned to one’s affiliations or to one’s faith, it is natural to pre-judge beings for their behaviour in line with their school of thought, religious beliefs; clan, cult, or community, that they are part of.

In other words, labeling people is quite natural, and we do it relentlessly. Is it right? No! Wrong!

We are made of our Thoughts!

Hard to believe, this is our being. Our half-beliefs or quarter-faiths do not matter. From the inside, if we think we are Winning, we are. No matter what the world around us thinks about us. And so goes if we think otherwise.

Our mind does matter the most. It makes or breaks us all. Think good, we shall be good, the Holy Cow. Think evil, so we become! Hence, our elders preached positive thinking. Now, resistant to everything, we have taken to “avoiding toxic positivity”. It’s easy to avoid goodness for oneself.

Who had taught this? None! We pick all adversities. We chose them! The law of attraction is more inclined to the negative side; hence, the miseries that we live in today are our chosen path.

GOD is a positive thought that we cling to. Just in case we fail, which we very often do. A belief that can lift us or prevent us from diving into a deep depression, or anxieties, or stress; and more importantly, keep us sane, despite our vulnerabilities.

I have started believing firmly, God is Therapy.


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