Bathing in Salvation Sights

Isn’t it confusing to say Salvation sights. Wondering what I mean by this ? I too find it very difficult to explain. But I’m sure reading through, you will come out clear of this.

I have fear of bathing in warm water. Since childhood, I loved to have this comfort of bathing in warm water. The massage, like anyone would benefit from such bath is not available to me. Every time it is a mis-adventure to me as I end up with a headache or giddiness, always accompanied by weird thoughts that I cannot doubt to be unreal.

It means great courage to me to document this vague and surreal experience. After all, it took me years to disclose these feelings for the fear of being doubted for my mental fitness.

Somewhere I have read that the brain cells expand due to the warmth in water and result in oxygen deficiency in the brain cells, which bring in
Giddiness. But, the real-time imagination or hallucination with the same set of thoughts, which feel so real and takes lot of effort to fight and come out of, becomes very difficult to explain. Even the one very close, be it childhood friend or even wife will only dismiss it as a moment of madness.

To me, it is the method in madness, in other words, continuity in those thought or experiences is more a matter of concern, forcing me to think about the logical meaning to these insights.

Everytime, the thought flow is essentially the same.

As I graduate from my warm comforts to ‘some more’ sort of addiction. From a state of massage, I am given a message from the Gods of that realm that I must caution all in my family and friends that the Present Pleasures are very wrong and not religious. Strangely, as if I am from a different Cult, I need to communicate and take all of the near and dear ones, to whom I care for, to the Hills or Abode of God immediately, upon exiting the bathroom. Thus, only thus, I would be able to prevent the catastrophic damage that is waiting to happen to the region, or did they mean – mankind !

Sure, you would have had doubts about my sanity reading this. Be it so, I’m glad to have conveyed my mind honestly. Hail Sanity.


PS : Few of my friends have complained that they couldn’t make out on what I wanted to convey. For them, here is the couplet version. “Every hot water bath drives me crazy and that is when Gods talk to me. I am happy to see myself in Good mental health and Godspeed.”

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