Moments of Bliss

Have you ever thought that clearing your bowels could be such a blissful moment. No, I’m not being naughty. Talk to any of your friends who are constipating, most diabetics do. They would readily accept. It is a moment of Bliss.

A tensed up morning work, a cup of hot puffing coffee with an aroma that is beyond compare. Relax your temples, loosen your muscles, lean back, close your eyes, smell coffee. It could be for a small fraction of time. More often we give it up soon becoming conscious of the surroundings and curb those little fragments of time we spend with ourselves. Don’t stop, extend such moments. It is Bliss.

We do not appreciate what we have and go after what we don’t have. Recently, I had the opportunity to experience a concept called the ‘Dialogue in the Dark’. A novel-approach to understand the world of Blind. We were a team of six and were taken into to a thoroughly dark room and were guided to walk through rocking bridges, smell spices, play cricket, eat snacks, sing songs and the likes. The world had slowed down for us. Patiently waiting for one another, we were making use of the four senses, feel, listen, smell and taste. It was a great moment to pause life and appreciate that how these senses have been minimalized as compared to vision. It also dawned that we perceive and draw majority of our decisions through this one sense called sight. We jump into judgement without using any other or the rest of the senses. Like any other moment when you spark with knowledge and discovery of a truth that you believe to have unfolded, each such moment is a moment of bliss.

Have you tried this. Spend time with your old friends, who are concerned of your well being, and have outlived their egos, at least with you. If you follow conversation with them, and especially when it turns to meaningless talk and sheer merriment of pulling each other’s legs, it is bliss. Those old forbidden nicknames too will not hurt you now. You will be looking at yourself in a different plane. Enjoy them and have as many occasions that take you closer to your old buddies.

A simple chat with our family, which does not involve around wealth, careers, or about relationships that are viewed differently amongst us. For example, movies, stories, or simply the most creative bed-time stories.  The very togetherness of the family is blissful.  With age, we seem to have bred more differences and underplayed the love that we always carry for them hidden in our hearts.  Self-expression is a far reality than anything else, which is taking a toll on our relationships.  Express yourself to the family first, yell out to them about the love and concerns and that you had always been thinking of them.  Wait for their reaction.  I am sure both, the blank between your expression and their reaction and the reaction that follows, will be one of those long-lasting memories of your life.. Bliss.

Not essentially a mother, anyone cuddling and cajoling a baby or a small child, when not being conscious of the surroundings or people around, there is an unconditional flow of love, and vibrations that is nothing less than Godly. It is bliss. Enjoy your time with the young ones. Make sure they enjoy too.
A long ride on your bike, with only you with you. Have you experienced how creative you can be with your music, poetry, writing or even story-telling unto yourself. If not anything else, just allowing yourself to imagine different incidents in your relationships and taking you to a farther land of happiness. Enjoy those free-flowing thoughts that can take to the peak of inner consciousness. It is moment of Bliss.

We have been going after purpose in life, meanings in every word that we listen or speak or every actions that anyone does whether it impacts us or not. It is not inappropriate to find purpose and meaning in our acts and in general our life. In this search, we are missing on the moments of Bliss that occur to us almost every day, or every second hour. I have realized lately that doing so all the time is wasteful efforts as a vast majority of the happenings do not really be related to a meaning. Trying to decipher such complexly unrelated situations is a waste of time. Believe me, the ultimate purpose will surface by itself, when the time is ripe for you. I heard my well-wisher say to me, when you are ready, The Guru will find You. Until then, let us look out for and follow the moments of Bliss.

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