Why Use Bad Words..

When we are in the habit of expressing strongly and with verbose that may not be appropriate to all forums, we will face abandonment sooner than later. So why use such bad words in the first place.

Hey, hey.. wait. I’m not the ‘holier than thou’ kind. All I want to say is that we can be honest, and also do justice to our expression by using some surrogates to the seemingly ‘un-parliamentary’, ‘uncivilized’ words of expression. This would save us lot of trouble, while satiating our appetite and vengeful demands. Understand, what we do over a long period of time becomes our habit.

Now, hereon, while I write this, I feel very sorry for my elders (read seniors) who have always tried to tone me down, bring more sense, rationalize, or trying to make me a civilized human.

We pick up from our peers, words to mean intercourse, excreta, wrong birth-origin, y-dog very casually. Over time, we insisted on using them in order to claim one-ness with our peers and not to be left behind. These are ‘The Best’ expressions when we convey anything about our rivals in academia, society, and of course more in the work places.

How relieved, one may feel after uttering some of these words about the recent conflict and the most-hated person of the scene. Amongst friends of the same kind, it never really mattered and it goes on. Languages may differ but the meanings would never. The more the elders in family and in school make faces if we have uttered these by accident in their presence, we tend to carry them more seriously to all our parties, gatherings and friendly places where these words are considered very friendly.

Now, as we have built this habit, we can never predict when we are not using such cuss-words. So, I suggest here, that you choose an alternate expression which according to you is the exact replacement, and that satiates your emotional need, without compromising on the decorum of the place you are in. Bad-seed can be one such word, an alternate for a similar sounding word, which too means the same as wrong birth-origin, but that leaves one thinking what did the person really mean. Such a thinking process will engage you in more creativity, while the other – busy deciphering your intent. Also, it serves a greater purpose where you will be revered for your creative shrewdness, contrary to being banished for your otherwise un-civilized expressions. Who knows, you may end up writing a dictionary of such words pretty soon.

Exercise discretion thoroughly, over use of any such thing will only get what you deserve – banishment. Remember, there are no permanent enemies in life.

So, why use Bad Words..

இனிய உளவாக இன்னாத கூறல்
கனிஇருப்பக் காய்கவர்ந் தற்று

To be nasty when you can say nice words, is like
tasting an unripe fruit when you have a ripe one.

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