Why I hate Horror Movies

horror movies

Spilling the beans, I am not very comfortable watching horror movies, leave alone enjoying them. Here are some reasons I have identified. I am jotting them here to see how many of you identify yourself with me.


Reading this article, many horror-movie-lovers can call me as chicken-hearted too. I do not mind. I do not have an idiocy to buy myself such harassments, by spending my hard-earned monies.


All ghosts, in behaviour, look and feel, are very stereotyped. They are created according to the most prevalent (a) technology (b) tastes and (c) events.

Fails to Connect

Story line or the screenplay in almost all these movies are so thin and so unreal that it fails to connect with me. I really wondered how some get too excitedly animated when they discuss horror movies.

Predictably Shocking

Somehow I am able to easily predict almost all of the shocks, that come in any horror movie. Many so called shocks are so obvious that they are no-surprises at all. Very few shocks are unpredictable.

Easy Money

I observe that while the regular movies take enormous efforts, detailing and consistent hard work to win the box, the horror-genre is very easy to make. It is inexpensive and can be done within very little time. Needs no elaborate efforts for the making when compared to painstakingly expensive film-making. Horror makes easy-money when it wins and doesn’t hurt as badly when it fails.

Why some like them

Language has never been a barrier, most of the times they do not need a language at all. By saying this, I don’t intend sarcasm on those who look for sub-titles to every movie, including those in their mother tongue. Like some get hooked to animated movies, some do get kick out of watching horror. I attribute this to their appetite for violence and bloodshed, which I consider as unhealthy to the societal living.


I have started believing that horror-movie-lovers hallucinate a lot in real life. To an extent, might need psychiatric help. Am I being too harsh on them. It depends on their levels of interest.

I know of some dare-devils in front of the screen, who piss-in-their-pants when it comes to going out in the dark. This is because they take on-screen visuals so seriously, that they start seeing them in real-life.

Is it Healthy ?

While watching a horror-movie, I tend to prepare myself to bear the jolts caused by sudden audio-bombs that invariably are preceded by long silences and visual-jerks that follow the darkest moments. Watching a horror movie can burn calories equivalent to 40 minutes of walking, according to a research article. But an erratically racing heart might not be as good to every person, given the innumerable complications developed by the changing lifestyles of the day.


Like the Halloween, some fashionistas create new events, products, themes, and sell just about anything anchoring on horror as a theme. I see them as less creative and wasteful, while many on the other side see it as great fun.

Horror or Horrible

In the name of horror parties, some end up doing horrible showdowns/ acts instead of doing scary plays. Some end up with real bad-taste. Avoidable embarrassment.

I won’t mind some difference in opinions..


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